A personalized coaching experience…
You’re a busy man, and an eight-week program just isn’t for you.
Maybe you have specific challenges that you want to address, or you are so overwhelmed you don’t even know where to begin.
No problem!
For a select number of clients, we can spend an entire day (six hours) doing coaching on a personalized basis.
Just imagine it: You’ll be getting three months’ worth of dating coaching in a single day!
Here’s what we’ll do (and what you’ll get)…
Review and editing of your online dating profile…
Hate bragging about yourself? Do you feel you have no idea what to write or how to stand out in a sea of other profiles? I will help you construct a profile that feels like YOU (without the cringe factor) and will easily attract the right woman.
Unlimited online email access to me for three sequential months…
Sometimes situations arise, and it’s too embarrassing to ask your friends what to do. I will be available to answer any of your questions or challenges for three months, skyrocketing your dating journey without the stress.
Online dating is hardly the only option for meeting amazing women. Do you want to know where to meet high-value people and, more importantly, what to say once you find them? Learn how to approach women in different settings and ask them out easily.
Courage, confidence, and self-worth…
Do you wake up every day feeling like you can conquer the world? Even the most confident guy needs some techniques if he wants to walk into every dating situation feeling like a champ. Working with a coach improves more than just your romantic life. Your confidence will hit the roof, and you will emerge as your best self.
A take-home action plan that will guide you for months to come…
Setting up a profile is just the beginning. Your take-home plan will include transitioning from the apps to getting an actual date (no one wants a pen-pal!), how to plan the perfect date, how to read a woman’s body language, how to know when to make the first move, how to score a second date when you feel a connection, and so much more!
This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for…
I know you’re ready for this!
The best way to find out if this is the right opportunity for you is to schedule a 20-minute complimentary call.
The hardest step is always the first one, so head to your email, pop in my address, and let’s chat. Or call (854) 529-1446. I promise it will be fun!